Margate or Petushki?
This evening a series of thoughts race through my mind as I check some more potential links regarding this project. A note to myself that I must read this or that study, this or that article, look up about this or that subject. Art history, an academic piece on contemporary Russian nationalism, Soviet philosophy, studies of symbols of Russian identity (I've recently finished Tom Jeffreys' recent book The White Birch - h ow many ideas it has thrown up in my mind). My elektrichka project must, I think to myself, connect everything with everything. Should I entitle it A Study of the Russian Periphery ? No, because the suburban train is a universal subject. How I can I neglect to mention Erdosain's suburban train journey in Arlt's two part masterpiece Los Siete Locos/Los Lanzallamas ? And then I read recently of a collection of tales on Mumbai's suburban trains (I think the collection hasn't been translated and yet I'll simply have to unearth something about...